Bonga Wind Up Toy | Kikkerland

Bonga Wind Up Toy | Kikkerland
131 RON

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Creatures are weird little things. Part toy, part gewgaw, slightly robotic, slightly insectlike and decidedly original, they don't really do anything amazing. It's more a case of "that was pleasing for a few seconds, I should like to do it again". A feeling common to many, that need to fiddle with a gizmo for a few seconds, and in Creatures there's a ready fix.All of the Creatures act like oversized mechanical insects, scuttling and buzzing on their spindly metal legs following a few turns of the key in their backs. The clockworkness somehow gives the Creatures a retro charm, despite them not being based on any specific plaything of old.You get the impression that The A-Team as 11-year-olds, if locked in a stationery cupboard by an evil teacher (perhaps trying to force other teachers out of business) would knock up something akin to Creatures with the equipment surrounding them. Of course, it would have to be a cupboard with an oxyacetylene torch for the pre-pubescent B.A, but the analogy still stands.Bonga thinks he is going through an evolutionary period in its life. Smacked in to the 21st century, Bonga has an attitude not unlike sea creatures had when they began crawling out of the water. The difference is that Bonga is in a big hurry, and he doesn't have millions of years to spare. Bonga's Darwinian mind is determined; he will crawl over anything to reach his objective, whatever that may be. Try setting up small obstacles to keep Bonga distracted; test his limits by increasing the level of difficulty of Bonga's climbing adventures. To wind up Bonga, hold his 8 feet in your hand, and crank the double propeller keys. Occasionally, a bit of spray lubricant will keep Bonga in shape for the toughest of challenges.