Puzzle 3D, 95 piese - House of the Dragon | Escape Welt

Puzzle 3D, 95 piese - House of the Dragon | Escape Welt
249 RON

Vandut de: carturesti.ro

O camera de evadare sub forma unei cutii de puzzle 3D, House of the Dragon este cel mai nou mister din Escape Welt . O experienta unica de Escape World de la inceput pana la sfarsit, House of the Dragon garanteaza ore de distractie cu prietenii si familia sau o aventura individuala interesanta. Daca sunteti in cautarea unui cadou special pentru cineva, atunci nu cautati mai departe decat cutia noastra de puzzle House of the Dragon - plina de rasturnari, intorsaturi si capcane convingatoare, precum si o poveste de fundal captivanta, este un cadou grozav pentru un incepator sau experimentat. puzzler sau un pasionat de evadare.

Puzzle 3D, 95 piese - House of the Dragon | Escape Welt - 0
Puzzle 3D, 95 piese - House of the Dragon | Escape Welt - 1
Puzzle 3D, 95 piese - House of the Dragon | Escape Welt - 2
Puzzle 3D, 95 piese - House of the Dragon | Escape Welt - 3
Puzzle 3D, 95 piese - House of the Dragon | Escape Welt - 4
Puzzle 3D, 95 piese - House of the Dragon | Escape Welt - 5
Puzzle 3D, 95 piese - House of the Dragon | Escape Welt - 6