Joc - Paw Patrol - Marshall's Save the Forest | Spin Master

Joc - Paw Patrol - Marshall's Save the Forest | Spin Master
69.99 RON

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Ajutati-l pe Marshall sa stinga focul din padure cu acest joc, Paw Patrol.Spin Master este o companie canadiana de jucarii si divertisment, ce comercializeaza produse dedicate copiilor. Brandurile sale includ Bakugan, Gund, Etch A Sketch, Erector Set by Meccano, Air Hogs, PAW Patrol, Aquadoodle, Tech Deck, Hatchimals si Zoomer.La scurt timp dupa absolvirea Universitatii Western, Ontario, in 1994, doi prieteni buni, Ronnen Harary si Anton Rabie, au lansat compania de jucarii Spin Master, investind 10.000 de dolari pentru a realiza intr-un garaj prima lor jucarie - Earth Buddy.Spin Master Entertainment produce si show-ul TV PAW Patrol, care este difuzat pe Nickelodeon Jr.

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Joc - Paw Patrol - Marshall's Save the Forest | Spin Master - 1
Joc - Paw Patrol - Marshall's Save the Forest | Spin Master - 2
Joc - Paw Patrol - Marshall's Save the Forest | Spin Master - 3