A Brief Illustrated History of Romanians/Neagu Djuvara

A Brief Illustrated History of Romanians/Neagu Djuvara
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This is not an ordinary history book. As readers will realise quite early on, Neagu Djuvara has the audacity to tackle some of the most delicate and controversial issues in Romanian history under the guise of light storytelling. With the addition of illustrations, the book becomes better and easier to understand: we are offered the chance to see how ancient artefacts discovered by archaeologists actually look like, or catch a glimpse of the world of barbarians and medieval warriors depicted in wonderful illuminated manuscripts. As we get nearer to the modern age, the imagery becomes even richer and we get to know Romania's princes and monarchs, their allies and their enemies, the politicians - good and bad - their triumphs, tribulations or even tragedies; and sometimes even the common people going about their daily lives. The photographic discourse focuses on the most important documents, even if their condition is not optimal. You will also find images of pottery, jewellery and weaponry, some of them from unexpected sources, often unknown to the public, accompanied by detailed captions that complement the information provided in the text itself. Together, the story and illustrations intertwine to form a new, enhanced historical account - and hopefully, one not lacking in originality. NEAGU DJUVARA (1916 2018) s-a nascut la Bucuresti, intr-o familie de origine aromana asezata aici la sfarsitul secolului al XVIII-lea, care a dat tarii mai multi oameni de seama. Licentiat la Sorbona (istorie, 1937) si doctor in drept (Paris, 1940). Participa la campania din Basarabia si Transnistria (iunie noiembrie 1941); ranit in apropiere de Odessa. Intrat prin concurs la Ministerul de Externe in 1943, este trimis curier diplomatic la Stockholm in dimineata zilei de 23 august 1944, in legatura cu negocierile de pace cu URSS. La Stockholm, functioneaza ca secretar de legatie pana in septembrie 1947, cand comunistii preiau si Externele. Ramane in exil, militand pana in 1961 in diverse organizatii ale diasporei. In 1961 pleaca in Republica Niger, unde va sta 23 de ani in calitate de consilier diplomatic si juridic al Ministerului nigerian al Afacerilor Straine si, concomitent, profesor de drept international si de istorie economica la Universitatea din Niamey. In 1972, obtine doctoratul de stat la Sorbona cu o teza de lozo e a istoriei, sub indrumarea lui Raymond Aron; mai tarziu, obtine si o diploma a INALCO de la Paris. Din 1984 este secretar general al Casei Romanesti de la Paris, pana in 1990, cand se intoarce in tara. Membru de onoare al Institutului de Istorie A.D. Xenopol din Iasi si al Institutului de Istorie N. Iorga din Bucuresti. Cele mai importante carti: Le droit roumain en mati re de nationalit (teza de doctorat); Civilisations et lois historiques. Essai d tude compar e des civilisations (carte premiata de Academia Franceza; in romaneste, Civilizatii si tipare istorice. Un studiu comparat al civilizatiilor); Le pays roumain entre Orient et Occident. Les Principaut s danubiennes dans la premi re moiti du XIXe si cle(in romaneste, Intre Orient si Occident. Tarile romane la inceputul epocii moderne); O scurta istorie a romanilor povestita celor tineri; Cum s-a nascut poporul roman; Mircea cel Batran si luptele cu turcii; De la Vlad Tepes la Dracula Vampirul; Insemnarile lui Georges Milesco (roman); Amintiri si povesti mai deocheate; Amintiri din pribegie (versiune franceza: Bucarest Paris Niamey et retour ou Souvenirs de 42 ans d exil, 1948 1990); Exista istorie adevarata?; Thocomerius Negru Voda. Un voivod de origine cumana la inceputurile Tarii Romanesti; Razboiul de saptezeci si sapte de ani (1914 1991) si premisele hegemoniei americane. Eseu de istorie-politologie; Ce au fost boierii mari in Tara Romaneasca? Saga Gradistenilor (secolele XVI XX); Raspuns criticilor mei si neprietenilor lui Negru Voda; Misterul telegramei de la Stockholm din 23 august 1944 si unele amanunte aproape de necrezut din preajma dramaticei noastre capitulari; O scurta istorie ilustrata a romanilor.